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Tomy Lamaze Octivity Time musical octupus

000.001.841 Tomy Lamaze Octivity Time musical octupus

000.001.841 Tomy Lamaze Octivity Time musical octupus000.001.841 Tomy Lamaze Octivity Time musical octupus

€ 29.95 € 29.95

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Tomy Lamaze Octivity Time musical octupus
A rainbow of bright colors and patterns stimulate the baby's eyesight. The mirror stimulates self-discovery. 
The baby listens to familiar sounds and laughs at all her favorite sounds. A squeaky head, wrinkly legs and a spinning starfish encourage research! And the eight limp legs encourage pulling, pinching and cuddling what strengthens the little muscles of the little one. 
Finally, the rattling rings and a spinning starfish help the baby's fine motor skills. All toys from Lamaze have been specially developed to encourage the development of babies and the interaction with their parents. 
The Lamaze Baby & Toddler development system provides information about the positive influence of the toy on the development of babies and toddlers. It also helps in choosing the right toy at the right time. A child simply learns by playing. 
26 x 26.6 x 11.4 cm 
6m +